We facilitate business collaborations and resources exchange among women founders and professionals.
12/19 SoGal x WEpreneurs 年末派對

SoGal 與 WEpreneurs將共同舉辦一場小聚,讓大家能一邊吃點心、一邊與社群裡的女性跨產業跨領域地交流!
日期時間:2024/12/19 19:30~21:30
地點: Cozy
Cowork Cafe (105台北市松山區光復南路22巷17號)
費用: $350/人, 採事先收費
報名方式: 填寫報名表同時匯款,完成匯款流程才算報名成功,名額一旦額滿報名表即關閉。
有關 SoGal
SoGal 基金會致力於縮小創業與創投之間的多元差距,提倡公平與包容的教育、網絡與對接資本市場,以利多元的創業家能成功開創並茁壯事業。
SoGal Taiwan and WEpreneurs are coming together to host a year-end party! We hope to connect everyone from diverse industries and backgrounds, and foster meaningful conversations and collaborations across borders.
With that in mind, this time we are also utilizing a digital tool to help us connect and obtain the resources we need. We want you to socialize with ease, and not feel like a waste of time. So come with a business request in mind, or simply come to meet new and old friends! Register NOW coz seating is limited!
We look forward to seeing you there!
Event Information
Date and time: 2024/12/19 Thur 19:30~21:30
Location: Cozy Cowork Cafe (No. 17, Lane 22, Guangfu S Rd, Songshan District, Taipei City, 105)
Participants: All women.
Refreshments: We encourage everyone to have dinner beforehand. At the venue, we will provide soft drinks and snacks, while alcoholic drinks can be ordered directly from the counter.
Fee: $350/person, collected in advance.
Registration: Please submit the registration form and make the payment at the same time. We will reserve your seat only after you complete the payment process.
About WEpreneurs
WEpreneurs was founded in 2023 to connect women founders and professionals, and facilitate business collaborations and resources exchange among them. Since January 2023, we have facilitated 800+ resources exchange through 17 events. We hope to help women quickly find the connections and resources they need so that they can achieve their business success and dreams.
About SoGal
SoGal Foundation’s mission is to close the diversity gap in entrepreneurship and venture capital. Our initiatives focus on equitable and inclusive access to education, networks, and investment capital that diverse founders need to create and scale their businesses successfully.
We’re the largest global platform for next-gen women and diverse entrepreneurs and investors and have more than 60 chapters across six continents that provide hyper-local programming based on their individual communities.
attending this event, participants agree to authorize the organizers to film, photograph,
and publicly use their portraits and voices solely for the promotional purpose.
The participants agree to waive the rights to any claims for payment or