We facilitate business collaborations and resources exchange among women founders and professionals.
8/24 Resources Matchmaking for Women Founders and Professionals
Innovative Business Networking Event for Women

*English follows.
- 人脈有限,無法及時滿足需求
- 網路資訊太廣,消耗太多時間整理歸納
- 無法快速找到潛在合作商機
- 一群熱血的女性創業家與專業人士互助與合作,找到關鍵資源與建議
- 高效率商機媒合,精準提出需求與合作,不囉嗦
- 使用數位工具建立人脈,並記錄請求與獲取的資源
- 不用綁會員,沒有壓力
- 由Hannah引導每位參與者精準描述需求,參與者輪流提供合作機會、人脈、經驗、建議。
- 用線上平台連結彼此、紀錄資源、方便後續連繫。
- 每人名均可獲得3個資源,一起打造積極互助的社群。
日期時間: 2023/8/24 13:30-16:30
地點: TTA 臺灣科技新創基地 (台北市南京東路四段2號3樓)
13:30-14:00 報到
14:00-14:05 歡迎致詞
14:05-15:30 用WEpreneurs 創新平台進行商機媒合資源交流活動
15:30-16:30 自由交流
16:30 散會
Chou 周榆薇
- WEpreneurs 創辦人
- 卡地亞靈思湧動女性創業家獎評審與得主
- 众社會企業共同創辦人
- 女創導師
有關La French Tech Taiwan
La French Tech Taiwan 是一個成立於 2016 年的非盈利組織,由科技企業家和愛好者領導。它旨在通過三個主要行動連接法國和台灣的新創生態系統:人才、市場以及與大企業連結。La French Tech Taiwan的目標是大幅加強創新參與者之間的合作,促進法國和台灣新技術發展的行動,並提高法國對台灣新創企業的吸引力。
有關 French Chamber Taiwan
台灣法國工商會隸屬於海外法國工商會全球網絡(CCI France International),該網絡橫跨 94 個國家,擁有 119 個商會與 33,000 家企業會員。台灣法國工商會的宗旨是發展會員與台灣企業界之間的關係,促進法國與台灣之間的貿易和投資,專注於高效的網絡和廣泛的商業服務。
Event Information
Date and time: 2023/8/24 13:30-16:30
Location: Taipei Tech Arena (3F., No. 2, Section 4, Nanjing E. Rd, Taipei) TTA 臺灣科技新創基地
13:30-14:00 Registration
14:00-14:05 Welcome remarks
14:05-15:30 Innovative business networking using WEpreneurs platform
15:30-16:30 Networking
16:30 End
Participants: Women founders and professionals
Fees: Free
Registration: Please fill out the registration form and we will send you a confirmation email within a week.
Event Description
Are you looking for business opportunities and resources, but…
Your existing connections may not respond to your needs.
There is too much information online and searching wastes a lot of time.
You cannot quickly identify potential opportunities.
Characteristics of WEpreneurs innovative networking:
Passionate women founders and professionals provide each other with resources, connections and opportunities to collaborate.
Highly efficient business matchmaking; everyone makes a clear request and response.
Use of digital tools to connect and keep records of the requests and resources.
No membership fees, no pressure.
How to proceed:
Our facilitator will guide the participants to make a precise business request, and all participants will take turns speaking about their request and respond to others with their collaboration opportunities, connections, experiences or advice.
WEpreneurs’ online platform will be utilized to help participants connect with each other and keep records of the resources received.
On average, everyone can obtain at least 3 resources per event. Together we will build a community that helps each other succeed.
About the facilitator
Hannah Chou
Founder of WEpreneurs
Cartier Women’s Initiative Award jury and fellow
Ex-Cofounder of OurCityLove Social Enterprise
Mentor to various women entrepreneurs
About WEpreneurs
WEpreneurs was founded in 2023 to connect women founders and professional, and facilitate business collaborations and resources exchange among them. Since January, close to 300 offers have been achieved through 6 events. We hope to help women quickly find the connections and resources they need so that they can achieve their business success and dreams.
About La French Tech Taiwan
La French Tech Taiwan is a non-profit association created in 2016 and led by tech entrepreneurs and enthusiasts. It aims at linking France and Taiwan startup ecosystems through three main actions: talent, market access, and connection with large corporations. The goal of La French Tech Taiwan is to significantly increase the cooperation between innovation actors, fostering new initiatives towards the development of France and Taiwan's new technologies, and promote the attractiveness of France to Taiwanese startups.
About French Chamber Taiwan
The French Chamber Taiwan belongs to the Global Network of French Chambers of Commerce and Industry Overseas (CCI France International) which represents 119 Chambers in 94 countries and represents 33,000 member companies. The main purpose of the French Chamber Taiwan is to develop relations between our members and the Taiwanese businesses community, to facilitate trade and investments between France and Taiwan, focusing on efficient networking and a wide range of business services.
By attending this event, participants agree to authorize the organizers to film, photograph, and publicly use their portraits and voices solely for the promotional purpose. The participants agree to waive the rights to any claims for payment or royalties.